Endy is Canada’s leading online mattress brand with a 100-Day Free Trial. Unlike most of its competitors, it provides only one mattress style, but has countless of advanced features.



The Ask.

Create an integrated campaign, targeting ENDY’s mattress specifically to newly weds and couples that are moving in together for the first time. 

The Insight.

Everything worthwhile  takes time to be fully discovered and appreciated in all of its glory - whether a tinder date that turns into a life partner, or a mattress that turns into your support system. 

The Idea.

You will fully fall in love with the Endy mattress and commit by the 100th night free trial, just like you do in a relationship with the right person. 


Poster banners throughout the subway will be telling the story of the 100 Days and 100 Nights of falling in love.

Direct Mail Journals

Geo-targeting in areas where newly-weds and couples have recently moved-in together.

This Nightstand journal duo will be promoting the 100 nights free trial of ENDY without the commitment. It will reveal Endy’s new features in a more interactive way while the couple will have a chance to track their individual sleeping habits and compare with one another, discovering more of their partner’s habits.


Telling the stories of ENDY consumers’ experiences of their first time moving in with their partners as well as their Endy experience.


Martini Mode - Experiential Event


Tatyanna's Mirrors